3 Card Jump Start Keno


The world’s first multi-card, multi-draw keno game. A unique jump start feature transfers hits from the initial draw on the first card to the second and third cards, giving those cards a jump start for their own independent remaining draws. The true keno equivalent of multi-hand poker is 3 Card Jump Start Keno!

A 3 card 80 spot keno game with 3 independent draws. The player selects 3 to 10 numbered spots on card 1, which are duplicated on cards 2 and 3. Cards 2 and 3 can receive hits from the first draws on card 1. Cards 2 and 3 then get independent draws on each card equal to 20 minus the number of hits transferred from card 1. Winnings from the three cards are added together and awarded to the player.

Cabinet Compatibility:

Signature Slant
Signature Upright